Wing Commander Information Center
Something smell in here? No, something stinks in here, doesn't it? My eyes are watering... Oh, you know what, there's only one thing in the universe that could smell that bad.
A plebe.
Fresh off the recovery deck and still reeking of the academy. Shoo, plebe. Get lost, OK? This isn't a sandbox. This is the table for the big, big - hey...
This is the table for the big boys. Black Widows squadron. Oh man? Just getting to the good parts. Alright umm? I'm saving the best for later alright? Hang out! I don't whant to see you with this table again plebe? Whoo hoo!
-Todd Marshall to Lance Casey


Plebes refer to first year students at the Academy. It also refers to any new pilots that just graduated from the Academy and joined the crew of first ship or station.

A Plebe represents the lowest form of life at the TCSNA. They are lower than a sand worm in the Brimstone System, lower than the bilge in an ancient frigate, lower than a hairball in a Kilrathi's innards. Until the end of their first year, they will be known as "youngsters," and as such, cater to the whims of those who arrived at the academy before them. The members of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st classes of the academy look forward to their imminent arrival.
